Apele micelare nu mai au nevoie de prezentare; toata lumea a auzit de ele si in putinii ani trecuti de la aparitia lor pe piata au detronat demachiantele clasice, fiind de multe ori mai eficiente. Probabil cea mai cunoscuta si laudata apa micelara este cea Garnier, fiind pusa de majoritatea bloggerilor in topul clasamentelor, in postari cu favorite si empties, dar si in review-uri dedicate acestui produs. Am incercat mai multe ape micelare, printre care si aceasta, asa ca pot face o comparatie intre cateva dintre ele. Mentionez ca e posibil sa nu fie la fel pe toate tipurile de ten si asta e doar experienta mea cu ele.
Micellar waters don't need an introduction anymore, everyone has heard of them in the past years ever since they appeared on the market, being more effective and easier to use than old-fashioned makeup removers. The most famous micellar water is probably the Garnier one, being described as the best one and always mentioned in blog posts about empties and favorites. I have tried multiple micellar waters so I can make a comparison between some of them. However it is worth mentioning that they might not behave in the same way on all skin types and this is just my own experience with them.
Apa micelara Yves Rocher Sensitive Vegetal - demachiaza destul de usor si rapid, nu usuca pielea, nu ustura in zona ochilor, nu lasa pielea lipicioasa, nu are alcool si nu este exagerat de scumpa, fiind in jur de 30lei la pret intreg. Are si extracte naturale care au rolul de a calma, repara si proteja pielea. Se gaseste in magazinele Yves Rocher si online.
Yves Rocher Sensitive Vegetal Micellar Water - removes makeup easy and fast, isn't drying, sticky, doesn't have alcohol and it's not very expensive. It has natural ingredients which are supposed to calm, repair and protect the skin.
Apa micelara Garnier - cea mai cunoscuta din cele trei, demachiaza la fel de usor ca cea Yves Rocher, dar dupa parerea mea, nu e mai buna. Eu le pun cam la acelasi nivel, in cazul meu cele doua comportandu-se identic. Nici ea nu usuca, nu ustura, nu are alcool si nu lasa pielea lipicioasa. Totusi primeste puncte in plus din cauza pretului, fiind mult mai mic decat a celei Yves Rocher, in jur de 16-17lei sticla de 400ml, deci dubla fata de cea mentionata mai sus. Se gaseste in aproape orice hypermarket, supermarket si magazin online cu produse cosmetice.
Garnier Micellar Water - the most famous of the three, it's just as effective as the Yves Rocher one. In my opinion it's not better than that one and on my skin they behave identically. I think they're equally good, but this one gets extra points because it's much much cheaper.
Apa micelara L'oreal - cea mai eficienta apa micelara pe care am incercat-o, indeparteaza chiar si rimelul waterproof dintr-o singura miscare. Cred ca au schimbat ambalajul intre timp, dar numele produsului e acelasi asa ca presupun ca nu au schimbat si formula. Are aceleasi ingrediente ca si cea Garnier, dar mie mi se pare mult mai buna. Din pacate pielea mea nu reactioneaza foarte bine la ea, dupa ce o folosesc imi apar cosulete mici pe fata. Totusi cred ca merita incercata pentru ca e extraordinara si pretul e decent, in jur de 20lei. Se gaseste si ea in hypermarketuri si magazine online.
L'oreal Micellar Water - the most effective micellar water I have ever tried, removes even waterproof mascara in a single swipe. I think they changed the packaging since I bought mine, but the product seems to be the same. It has the same ingredients as the Garnier one, but in my opinion it's much better. Unfortunately my skin doesn't like it as much and I usually break out a bit when I use it. However I think it's worth trying because it's absolutely amazing and not very expensive.
In concluzie trebuie sa le dau dreptate celorlalti bloggeri si sa pun apa micelara Garnier pe primul loc. E eficienta, blanda cu pielea si raportul cantitate-pret e imbatabil.
In conclusion I have to agree with the other bloggers and declare the Garnier one as the winner. It;s effective, gentle in the skin and the price is unbeatable.
Micellar waters don't need an introduction anymore, everyone has heard of them in the past years ever since they appeared on the market, being more effective and easier to use than old-fashioned makeup removers. The most famous micellar water is probably the Garnier one, being described as the best one and always mentioned in blog posts about empties and favorites. I have tried multiple micellar waters so I can make a comparison between some of them. However it is worth mentioning that they might not behave in the same way on all skin types and this is just my own experience with them.
Apa micelara Yves Rocher Sensitive Vegetal - demachiaza destul de usor si rapid, nu usuca pielea, nu ustura in zona ochilor, nu lasa pielea lipicioasa, nu are alcool si nu este exagerat de scumpa, fiind in jur de 30lei la pret intreg. Are si extracte naturale care au rolul de a calma, repara si proteja pielea. Se gaseste in magazinele Yves Rocher si online.
Yves Rocher Sensitive Vegetal Micellar Water - removes makeup easy and fast, isn't drying, sticky, doesn't have alcohol and it's not very expensive. It has natural ingredients which are supposed to calm, repair and protect the skin.
Apa micelara Garnier - cea mai cunoscuta din cele trei, demachiaza la fel de usor ca cea Yves Rocher, dar dupa parerea mea, nu e mai buna. Eu le pun cam la acelasi nivel, in cazul meu cele doua comportandu-se identic. Nici ea nu usuca, nu ustura, nu are alcool si nu lasa pielea lipicioasa. Totusi primeste puncte in plus din cauza pretului, fiind mult mai mic decat a celei Yves Rocher, in jur de 16-17lei sticla de 400ml, deci dubla fata de cea mentionata mai sus. Se gaseste in aproape orice hypermarket, supermarket si magazin online cu produse cosmetice.
Garnier Micellar Water - the most famous of the three, it's just as effective as the Yves Rocher one. In my opinion it's not better than that one and on my skin they behave identically. I think they're equally good, but this one gets extra points because it's much much cheaper.
Apa micelara L'oreal - cea mai eficienta apa micelara pe care am incercat-o, indeparteaza chiar si rimelul waterproof dintr-o singura miscare. Cred ca au schimbat ambalajul intre timp, dar numele produsului e acelasi asa ca presupun ca nu au schimbat si formula. Are aceleasi ingrediente ca si cea Garnier, dar mie mi se pare mult mai buna. Din pacate pielea mea nu reactioneaza foarte bine la ea, dupa ce o folosesc imi apar cosulete mici pe fata. Totusi cred ca merita incercata pentru ca e extraordinara si pretul e decent, in jur de 20lei. Se gaseste si ea in hypermarketuri si magazine online.
L'oreal Micellar Water - the most effective micellar water I have ever tried, removes even waterproof mascara in a single swipe. I think they changed the packaging since I bought mine, but the product seems to be the same. It has the same ingredients as the Garnier one, but in my opinion it's much better. Unfortunately my skin doesn't like it as much and I usually break out a bit when I use it. However I think it's worth trying because it's absolutely amazing and not very expensive.
In concluzie trebuie sa le dau dreptate celorlalti bloggeri si sa pun apa micelara Garnier pe primul loc. E eficienta, blanda cu pielea si raportul cantitate-pret e imbatabil.
In conclusion I have to agree with the other bloggers and declare the Garnier one as the winner. It;s effective, gentle in the skin and the price is unbeatable.
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