marți, 14 iunie 2016

La ce folosesc uleiul de cocos/What I use coconut oil for

    Am descoperit uleiul de cocos acum vreo 3 ani si de atunci imi e cel mai bun prieten si e nelipsit in casa mea. Il folosesc la foarte multe lucruri si inteleg de ce e atat de iubit prin blogosfera. In ultima vreme folosesc uleiul de la Sunlit, cel pentru uz alimentar. Da, alimentar. M-am interesat, si diferenta dintre cel alimentar si cel pentru uz cosmetic e ca cel pentru consum uman e facut din ingrediente de calitatea 1, in timp ce acela pentru uz cosmetic e facut din ingrediente de o calitate mai...proasta.
    I discovered coconut oil about 3 years ago and it has been my best friend ever since and I always have a jar on hand. I use it for multiple things and I completely understand why coconut oil is so loved around the blogosphere. Lately I've been using Sunlit coconut oil, the one meant for human consumption. I did my homework, and apparently the difference is that the food-grade oil is made from top quality ingredients, while cosmetic-grade oil is made from whatever is left.

    Dupa cum spuneam, folosesc uleiul Sunlit pentru ca e usor de gasit si e extrem de ieftin. Eu l-am gasit in hypermarketul Real cu vreo 8lei pentru 300g(!). Atentie, nu il gasiti la raftul cu uleiuri, ci undeva la raionul cu iaurturi/produse bio. L-am gasit si online, aici si aici.

    Sunlit coconut oil is easy to find in Romania and it's extremely cheap, about 2 dollars for 300 grams.

    Cum folosesc uleiul de cocos?
    How do I use coconut oil?

  • Ca demachiant - iau o cantitate mica de ulei, o topesc intre degete si ma frec bine la ochi, dupa care sterg uleiul cu un servetel de hartie. Imi place sa il folosesc asa pentru ca e foarte eficient, e bland cu pielea sensibila a ochilor si in acelasi timp hidrateaza foarte bine. Personal il folosesc doar ca demachiant pentru ochi deoarece tenul meu nu il tolereaza la fel de bine./ As make-up remover - I take a small amount of oil, melt it between my fingers and gently rub my eyes; after that I wipe it off with a paper towel. I like to use it that way because it's very effective, it's gentle with the sensitive skin around the eyes and, at the same time, it moisturizes the skin. I only use it for eye make-up because my face tends to break out from it.
  • Ca masca de par - cu 4-5 ore inainte sa ma spal pe cap topesc in cuptorul cu microunde cam doua linguri de ulei, cu care ma dau pe par si imi pun pe cap o casca de dus sau un prosop. Dupa ce ma spal parul imi ramane moale si usor de pieptanat si pare mult mai sanatos si stralucitor./As a hair mask - 4-5 hours before washing my hair I melt about two tablespoons of coconut oil and I apply it on my hair and I put on a shower cap or a towel. After I wah my hair feels soft, healthy, shiny and it's easy to comb.
  • Ca lotiune dupa epilat - dupa ce ma epilez prefer sa ma dau cu acest ulei pentru ca nu are alcool sau parfum sau alte ingrediente care sa imi irite pielea./ As a soothing lotion after shaving - after I shave I prefer to use this oil because it doesn't have alcohol, perfume or any other irritating ingredients.
  • Ca deodorant - uleiul de cocos are proprietati antibacteriene si antimicrobiene, asa ca uneori il folosesc ca deodorant cand nu am foarte multe de facut si nu sunt plecata mult de acasa. Nu e la fel de eficient ca un antiperspirant din comert, dar e o alternativa buna daca nu transpirati mult./ As a deodorant - coconut oil is both antibacterial and antimicrobial, so sometimes I use it as a deodorant if I'm not gone for too long. It's bot as effective as a store-bought deodorant, but it's a good alternative if you don't sweat a lot.
  • Ca digestiv - o lingurita luata dimineata pe stomacul gol imbunatateste digestia./ As a digestive aid - one teaspoon eaten in the morning helps with digestion.
  • Ca gustare pentru pisica mea - pisica mea iubeste uleiul de cocos si e bun si pentru stomacul si blanita ei (!!! nu ii dau foarte mult, mai putin de jumatate de lingurita, din cand in cand)./ As a snack for my cat - my cat loves coconut oil and it's good for her stomach and her fur (!!! I never give her more than half of a teaspoon, every now and then).
    Uleiul de cocos mi se pare extrem de util si accesibil, avand atat de multe utilizari, plus multe altele, la un pret atat de mic.
    Coconut oil is extremely useful, given the sheer number of uses it has and the small price.