Rujurile lichide mate au castigat popularitate enorma de la aparitia lor datorita aspectului lor catifelat dar si rezistentei la transfer, din acest punct de vedere fiind superioare rujurilor cu finish satinat. Fiind prinsa de "febra" rujurilor mate, am incercat printre altele si pe cele INGRID Cosmetics.
Matte liquid lipsticks gained a lot of popularity since their first appearance because of their velvety look but also to most of them being transfer-proof, lasting a lot longer than their satiny counterparts. Among many others, I've recently tried the INGRID Cosmetics matte liquid lipsticks.
Aceste rujuri m-au impresionat placut si pretul este extrem de mic pentru calitatea pe care o ofera. Ele difera putin de majoritatea rujurilor mate, avand o consistenta putin mai lichida. Datorita acestui fapt nu usuca buzele la fel de mult ca altele si nu "crapa" pe buze dupa cateva ore, acestea ramanand moi si catifelate, cu textura uniforma pe toata durata purtarii rujului.
These lipsticks have really impressed me and the price is extremely small for their quality. They're different from most matte liquid lipsticks, being a little more liquidy. Because of this the lipsticks aren't as drying as most others and don't settle in the lines of the lips, looking soft, smooth and uniform for as long as you wear them.
In privinta rezistentei acestui ruj, este un adevarat erou dupa ce se usuca, facand fata intreaga zi vorbitului, bautului si chiar si micilor gustari, dar, ca toate rujurile, se estompeaza in contact prelungit cu uleiuri, asa ca mancarurile grase sunt de evitat. Pretul este minuscul, eu le-am gasit la 7 lei aici. Nu stiu cum este pigmentatia culorilor mai inchise, acestea fiind de multe ori problematice, dar cu nuantele nude nu sunt probleme. Eu am nuantele 100 (nude-ul perfect pentru tenul meu, bej-roz deschis la culoare), 101 (roz deschis spre corai), 102 (nude roziu prafuit) si 106 (roz spre mov).
This lipstick is very long-lasting, even when faced with talking, drinking and eating, but, as most lipsticks, it fades because of oils, so I would avoid greasy foods. The price is really small and you can find it on various online stores for really cheap. I don't know how pigmented the darker colors are but the nudes are amazing. I got shades 100 (my perfect nude, a light pinkish beige), 101 (coraly pink), 102 (dusty pink nude) and 106 (pinkish purple).
In concluzie recomand cu mare incredere aceste rujuri, raportul calitate-pret este imbatabil si nuantele sunt foarte frumoase, se potrivesc oricarui ten (si nici nu fac dintii sa para mai galbeni) si rezista ore intregi fara sa usuce buzele.
In conclusion I do recommend these lipsticks, they're beautiful, long-lasting, transfer-proof, look great on any skin tone, don't make teeth appear more yellow and they're also really cheap, so it's a great deal.
Matte liquid lipsticks gained a lot of popularity since their first appearance because of their velvety look but also to most of them being transfer-proof, lasting a lot longer than their satiny counterparts. Among many others, I've recently tried the INGRID Cosmetics matte liquid lipsticks.
Aceste rujuri m-au impresionat placut si pretul este extrem de mic pentru calitatea pe care o ofera. Ele difera putin de majoritatea rujurilor mate, avand o consistenta putin mai lichida. Datorita acestui fapt nu usuca buzele la fel de mult ca altele si nu "crapa" pe buze dupa cateva ore, acestea ramanand moi si catifelate, cu textura uniforma pe toata durata purtarii rujului.
These lipsticks have really impressed me and the price is extremely small for their quality. They're different from most matte liquid lipsticks, being a little more liquidy. Because of this the lipsticks aren't as drying as most others and don't settle in the lines of the lips, looking soft, smooth and uniform for as long as you wear them.
In privinta rezistentei acestui ruj, este un adevarat erou dupa ce se usuca, facand fata intreaga zi vorbitului, bautului si chiar si micilor gustari, dar, ca toate rujurile, se estompeaza in contact prelungit cu uleiuri, asa ca mancarurile grase sunt de evitat. Pretul este minuscul, eu le-am gasit la 7 lei aici. Nu stiu cum este pigmentatia culorilor mai inchise, acestea fiind de multe ori problematice, dar cu nuantele nude nu sunt probleme. Eu am nuantele 100 (nude-ul perfect pentru tenul meu, bej-roz deschis la culoare), 101 (roz deschis spre corai), 102 (nude roziu prafuit) si 106 (roz spre mov).
This lipstick is very long-lasting, even when faced with talking, drinking and eating, but, as most lipsticks, it fades because of oils, so I would avoid greasy foods. The price is really small and you can find it on various online stores for really cheap. I don't know how pigmented the darker colors are but the nudes are amazing. I got shades 100 (my perfect nude, a light pinkish beige), 101 (coraly pink), 102 (dusty pink nude) and 106 (pinkish purple).
In concluzie recomand cu mare incredere aceste rujuri, raportul calitate-pret este imbatabil si nuantele sunt foarte frumoase, se potrivesc oricarui ten (si nici nu fac dintii sa para mai galbeni) si rezista ore intregi fara sa usuce buzele.
In conclusion I do recommend these lipsticks, they're beautiful, long-lasting, transfer-proof, look great on any skin tone, don't make teeth appear more yellow and they're also really cheap, so it's a great deal.